Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mass customization and high-mix low-volume manufacturing - a few thoughts

Adopting mass customization means grappling with a high-mix low-volume (HMLV) manufacturing environment. This can be quite a change from mass production models. Routings can become more complex, lot sizes may be in units of 1, scheduling a challenge, and so forth.

In this high-mix low-volume model, the quality of the information transmitted to the shop floor becomes even more critical. Format, content, even quantity of data supplied has a magnified impact on productivity. All too often, unfortunately, this key element of production is overlooked. ERP and other systems control the transmission of an order to manufacturing, but the content of that order may be a combination of drawing types and manufacturing instructions all of which is unique to that specific order. Absolute consistency of manufacturing order information is not possible, virtually by definition.

One of the principles of mass customization is that internal systems should mirror the concept of providing a unique product to the customer based on standardized components. That is, internal systems should be comprised of standardized processing components that are combined uniquely to fit the needs to the order. This principle also applies to information components, such as manufacturing orders.

I think applying this principle to internal systems is much harder than adopting mass customization as a way of creating unique product for customers. The success of being able to do so, however, is the true indication of whether a company has successfully adopted mass customization as a business model. I also think that this application of mass customization principles to internal systems is where the traditional job shop can benefit from MC.

I intend to publish a white paper within the next several weeks that delves into these issues of mass customization, high-mix low volume manufacturing, and job shops in more depth. If you have any experiences or comments in these areas that you'd care to share, I'd be very pleased to hear them.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mass Customization resource list

I have put together a list of resources that I've found very useful for Mass Customization.

You may review the list at the Valent Group website,, or click here for a pdf version: Valent Group Resource List

If you have any suggestions for additions to the list, please let me know.


As a company adopts mass customization, it will find its manufacturing process moving more to a high-variety low-volume (HVLV) production model. TPS (Toyota Production System) Lean does not adapt easily to HVLV. JobShop Lean is a response to this situation.

A great resource is the JobShop Lean discussion group,, moderated by Dr. Shahrukh Irani of The Ohio State University.

The JobShop Lean 2007 Conference,, will be held Dec. 11 - 13 in Columbus, Ohio.

Finally, the results of some of Dr. Irani's research can be found with the PFAST tools,

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I'm very excited to start this blog about issues related to Mass Customization in industrial and construction environments. I've seen steps in this direction since the mid 80s, yet just now do I feel it is gaining traction. Based on my experience, this is an important business model for construction companies and manufacturers in a variety of industries. It is not well-understood, however, and can present significant implementation challenges.

I hope you find these thoughts interesting and useful.